Sensemaking Workshop Insights
The Sensemaking Workshop brought together the Project Coordinator, four Newcomer Peer Leaders (NPLs), and seven program participants, creating a space for sharing impactful stories from their time in the YWCA program.

Key Words Reflecting Program Participation
Participants highlighted crucial aspects such as socializing, privacy, shared cultures, advice, self-care, interview preparation, social security, improved digital literacy, exploration, community building, and ongoing learning.
Key Qualities of NPLs
Participants described NPLs with key words like empathy, caring, encouragement, comfort, dedication, and adaptation, emphasizing the positive impact of these qualities.
Outcomes of the EX2 Program
Participants expressed outcomes such as increased confidence, determination, engagement, a safe space, gratitude, inclusion, expanding social networks, empowerment, joy, recognition, independence, useful knowledge, openness to learning, improvement, sense of belonging, support, sisterhood, trust, and a feeling of security.
Reflections on Immigration and Settlement Services
Some participants shared sentiments of frustration, confusion, mental health stressors, non-inclusivity, insensitivity, challenges, and questioning certain aspects of the immigration experience.
Categories of Impactful Stories
Participants categorized impactful stories, addressing digital literacy, collaboration, sisterhood, communication, capacity building, success realization, adaptation, sharing experiences and cultures, skill development, self-care importance, connection to resources, positive aspects of immigration, and areas for opportunity.
Summative Evaluation Findings
The evaluation suggests that the EX2 program successfully tested the peer leader model as a settlement service. The peer-led approach provided individualized, flexible, adaptive, and responsive support, meeting the evolving needs of newcomers, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Preferences for Peer-Led Facilitation
Survey data indicated participants' preference for peer-led facilitation, emphasizing the importance of cultural background and shared language. Interviews highlighted the meaningful impact of the program, fostering information access, support, and connection to resources.
Emergent Theory of Change
Before we did this evaluation, we were working on creating a plan for how the EX2 program can make positive changes, and I talked about it earlier. Now, let me share some things I found that can add to this plan:
- Making a friendly environment is really important in the program. This helps women feel relaxed to share their stories and ask questions. This friendly space is also the best way for newcomer women to get information because they can learn more freely.
- People are the experts of their own experiences. The program respects what women already know, their culture, and their strengths. One way we do this is by having peer leaders from similar social and cultural groups. They understand the challenges the group faces.
- Involving women who are leaders in their communities, or those who want to lead and help others, is a good idea. It helps participants see their peers succeed while being connected to their shared social and cultural group.
- The peer relationship focuses on building connections, making both peer leaders and participants benefit more. This strong connection improves the outcomes for both.
To enhance the effectiveness of the program, several recommendations are proposed, ranging from leveraging informal support networks to ensuring proper training for Newcomer Peer Leaders (NPLs).
Utilize informal support networks for greater engagement.
- Continue matching NPLs and participants based on common culture.
- Employ peer leaders aspiring to lead and support in their communities.
- Provide NPLs with clear information and training on evaluation tools.
- Develop an updated logic model focusing on participant outcomes.
- Provide NPLs with support to navigate their roles effectively.
- Implement a 'warm handoff' for introducing new peer leaders.
- Build referral relationships with community organizations for expanded reach.
By implementing these recommendations, the program can further empower and support newcomers, fostering a stronger sense of community and successful integration.